
MTE-540 Kaydon Slewing Bearings
Dimensions: Bore (Inner) Diameter: 21.25"; Outer Diameter: 29.65"; Width (Thickness): 2.375";

Product Attributes
Part Number MTE-540
Moment Load Rating (Crm) 232000ft-lbs | 1035.714KN
Bearing Types Slewing Ring Bearing
Outline Dimensions and Weight
Outside Diameter of Outer Ring (Do) 29.65" | 753.11mm
Inside Diameter of Inner Ring (di) 21.25" | 539.75mm
Height of Overall Bearing Assembly (H) 2.375" | 60.33mm
Height of Inner Ring (Hi)/Height of Outer Ring (Ho) 2.063" | 52.4mm
Approximate Weight (lbs) 163lbs | 73.935KG
Mounting Holes
Bolt Circle in Outer Ring (Lo) 27.250" | 692.15mm
Number Holes in Outer Ring (no) 24
Size of Hole in Outer Ring (Bo) 0.813"
Bolt Circle in Inner Ring (Li) 22.750" | 577.85mm
Number Holes in Inner Ring (ni) 28
Size of Hole in Inner Ring (Bi) 0.813"
Gear Data
Pressure Angle of Gear Teeth (α) 20 º
Tooth form SD
Pitch diameter of gear(D2) 29.25" | 742.95mm
Diametral pitch(Pd) 4
Number of gear teeth(z2) 117
Face width of gear teethαb2) 2.063"
Mating Pinions 39200001 39200002
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